Hans is Troop 300's newest Eagle Scout! It's been a banner year--check out his pic, and the other Eagles too!Check out their pictures, and read more on our Eagle Tribute page. We have produced a lot of Eagle Scouts in Troop 300, and we are proud of every single one of them! Check them out now, by taking this link: T300 EAGLES
A Welcome from the ScoutmasterAs the scoutmaster of BSA Troop 300, from Wasilla, Alaska, I'd like to invite any parent and his son to get involved and become a part of Troop 300. We are a troop of great kids and adults doing scouting the way it is intended to be done, getting OUTSIDE, having FUN, and at the same time emphasizing the character traits that have formed the foundation of America's strength and resilience. The ideals of scouting as expressed in the Scout Oath, Scout Law, Scout Motto, Scout Slogan, and Outdoor Code are the foundation on which Troop 300 stands, and we make those ideals a part of our program. Over the time our sons are in scouting the words they express in the Scout Oath will become guides in which to set their lives. Scouting provides a great peer group for your son to grow up with, and the boys are great kids doing fun things. We make high adventure happen!
- Nathan DeWitt |
Written Calendar for 2025THE YEARLY PLAN FOR
2025-2026 The calendar below will take us through August of 2025. While the scouts have made a yearly plan, the detailed month-to-month calendars are updated and finalized during the monthly PLC meetings. The current month is listed in detail; the subsequent months are planned adventures, and as the details are hashed out more information will follow. Monday, Jan 13: Troop Meeting at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church (GSLC)--630-800pm
Uniform: Class "A" Opening&Closing-Beaver Patrol Meeting purpose-Get ready for winter camping Plan: Stat1-Sleeping warm in winter (Ezra) Stat2-Winter First Aid (Andrew) Signup for: Freezeree & deep winter sled out snowshoe campout Game: Hosted by Jr Leaders Monday, Jan 20: Troop Meeting GSLC 630p-800p Uniform Class A Opening&Closing-Wolf Patrol Plan: Stat1 Cold WX clothing by Sam S (backpacks, shoes, clothes, sleds) Stat2 Snowshoeing - ALEX Stat3 Hiking/Skiing in Snow Planned patrol time to include Jr Leaders planning foil dinner demo Game: Hosted by Beaver Patrol Monday, Jan 27: Troop Meeting GSLC 630p-800p Uniform: Class A Opening&Closing: Chinook Patrol Plan: Demo-How to build foil dinner (Cooper) Meal planning for freezeree Meal planning for sled wilderness sled campout Game: Foil dinner by patrol competition outside Second Game (time permitting)-Wolf Patrol Monday, Feb 3: Troop Meeting GSLC 630p-800p Uniform: Class A Plan to invite WEBELOS in preparation for Camporee. Pack inspection tonight--bring your pack for Freezeeree Friday Feb 7-9: Freezeree 2025 Camp Gorsuch Uniform: Class A dressed for winter
Monday, Feb 10: Troop Meeting GSLC
630p-800p Uniform: Class "A" Opening/Closing: Jr Leaders Troop Instruction/Activity: Sled/Clothing/Gear Check for deep winter sled campout. Food consolidation and packing Game: Orcas Closing: Jr Leaders Feb 15-17: Time TBD This is a snowshoe trail campout to a private cabin. Snow shelters, ice fishing, and more. Cost and details will be posted as they are finalized. Feb 17: NO MEETING
Monday, Feb 24: No Regular Troop Patrol Leaders Council Meeting instead (PLC) Uniform: Class "A" 630p-800pm That said, if you have troop gear from the campout you should bring it by and check it in tonight March 2025: Details to be worked out for March, but two events in the works are: Beach campout at the troop's secret Beachfront water park. Cost and further details to follow. Besides the beach party, the main plan for this month the theme is SKIING and SNOWBOARDING. We plan to dedicate meetings and activities with a final overnight campout at the biggest ski resort in Alaska.
April 2025: Spring mountain climb to an awesome view--don't miss it. Details and costs to be posted as they are finalized. This campout will include a first opportunity to get out the backpacks, dust of the hiking boots, and hit the trail. We will be dealing with some snow. May 2025: We will be doing more backpacking this month. Depending on snow conditions in the mountains, Johnson Pass or Russian River Trail system will be the location of choice. These are both incredible wilderness adventures.
June 2025: We will continue the backpacking adventure theme, with bigger and longer and more strenuous hikes to become the norm. Camp Gorsuch summer camp, while not our main objective this year, will be a possibility for scouts wanting to go to our local scout camp.
July 2025: During the month of July our focus is going to be on summer camp at either Lost Lake Camp in the Midnight Sun Council or Camp Gorsuch here. The main plan is to get the entire troop to camp this year, so the junior leaders can lead, the new scouts can advance, and the entire troop can build scout spirt and solidify the friendships that will carry us forward. Costs and plans will be posted as they get ironed out. We also plan to fit in a water "funday" where we can tube, waterski, and wakeboard. Should be an awesome month of great scouting! Late July - Aug 2025: Our big trip of the year is planning to the Katmai National Park, where we plan to view bears up close, do some serious backpacking, and explore the Vally of 10,000 Smokes. Scouts going on this adventure need to "be prepared" for anything, and have demonstrated they have the maturity and physical ability to undertake a trip of this magnitude.
Troop 300 Thunderbirds is an Alaska Boy Scout Troop based out of Wasilla and dedicated to the four aims of scouting:
Find out more about Troop 300
Online application to join our troop
- To build character,
- To teach leadership,
- to foster citizenship,
- and to develop fitness.
Find out more about Troop 300
Online application to join our troop
Review of a few Troop 300's BIG HISTORIC Trips below:
Troop 300 has a long history of doing incredible expeditions throughout Alaska and beyond. Normally, we do at least one big event, besides summer camp, every summer, and what that tends to be is determined by what the scouts want to do. In the past we have had bike trips covering over 80 miles in the Denali Highway, hiked Kesugi Ride within the Denali State Park, traveled to the Kandersteg International Scout Camp in Switzerland, and lived on a sailboat at the Seabase Scout camp in Florida. We have had expeditions to the National Jamboree, and sent more than one crew to backpack Philmont Scout Ranch.
A few pictures from an expedition down the Denali Highway!
T300 has sent several expeditions to Seabase in Florida and the Bahamas
HISTORIC BUT AWESOME: T300 Scouts went to Switzerland
Troop 300 even sent a delegation of T300 scouts to attend Kandersten International Scout Camp. to get a taste.
Find something on our website:
Patch Placement
I had a parent ask where the Journey to Excellence patch goes so I figured more parents were wondering. The patch goes on the right sleeve below the patrol patch. If your son hasn’t gotten a JTE patch, he can come see me at a meeting - we do have more.
If you ever are in doubt on where patches/badges go, you can look in the Boy Scout Handbook on pages 20-23. Actually all parents should take a few minutes to look through the whole book. There is an amazing amount of information on all kinds of topics in it.
Most important is towards the back of the book. Between pages 438 and 465 are pages for signing off rank requirements but also logs for leadership, training, hiking, camping and service projects. Every time you son participates in a troop event, hen should write in one (or more) of the logs. This way when he goes to a board of review, and they ask him what he has participated in, he can use that as a reference.
If you ever are in doubt on where patches/badges go, you can look in the Boy Scout Handbook on pages 20-23. Actually all parents should take a few minutes to look through the whole book. There is an amazing amount of information on all kinds of topics in it.
Most important is towards the back of the book. Between pages 438 and 465 are pages for signing off rank requirements but also logs for leadership, training, hiking, camping and service projects. Every time you son participates in a troop event, hen should write in one (or more) of the logs. This way when he goes to a board of review, and they ask him what he has participated in, he can use that as a reference.
Troop 300: 100% Trained Adults
Our troop decided quite some time ago that we wanted to be 100% trained. This means that when you turn in your adult application, it needs to be accompanied with certificates for youth protection training and also committee training. Both are online at
We always need to have people trained in Hazardous Weather to go on trips, so just do that one while you are in there (:>)
If you want to be an assistant scoutmaster, you will need both the scoutmaster specific (can be done online but I suggest you do it in person) but also the in-person Introduction to Outdoor Leadership. When we have a group of you that want to do that, please let me know and we can arrange it. It will probably be offered at camp too. We are currently working on putting that together.
So please check your youth protection training - I know a few of you are expired - and get it done so we can stay 100% trained.
- Dorte Mobley
We always need to have people trained in Hazardous Weather to go on trips, so just do that one while you are in there (:>)
If you want to be an assistant scoutmaster, you will need both the scoutmaster specific (can be done online but I suggest you do it in person) but also the in-person Introduction to Outdoor Leadership. When we have a group of you that want to do that, please let me know and we can arrange it. It will probably be offered at camp too. We are currently working on putting that together.
So please check your youth protection training - I know a few of you are expired - and get it done so we can stay 100% trained.
- Dorte Mobley
Merit Badges
Scouts rise up through ranks as they earn merit badges for learning and experience a wide array of topics and activities. is an excellent resource.
LeadershipTroop 300 is scout-led with adults leaders for support. Scouts dream, plan, and run all events. Learn about leadership opportunities for all scouts.
Scout FundraisingScouts can sell BSA popcorn and coffee to raise funds to help them go to scout camp, buy gear, and other troop activities. Find out more.